

Like the seeds of a flower blown on the wind, God’s Spirit is seeding the globe with Christ-centered entrepreneurs and leaders who will shine His light as they actively partner with Him.

“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept… Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16 MSG

YOU are a vital part of God’s plan.

But for your business to truly soar it will need to be both:

  1. Successful
  2. Prayerful

Thankfully, for the Christ-centered leader or entrepreneur these two things are actually one and the same – because it’s through prayer that we have access to EVERYTHING we need:

  • God’s presence: His love and His Spirit abiding in us and with us
  • God’s purposes: His vision, His plans, His wisdom, His knowledge
  • God’s power: limitless, unstoppable, and available to you and me


Like the seeds of a flower blown on the wind, God Spirit is seeding the globe with Christ-centered entrepreneurs and leaders who will shine His light as they actively partner with Him.

“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept… Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16 MSG

YOU are a vital part of God’s plan.

But for your business to truly soar it will need to be both:

  1. Successful
  2. Prayerful

Thankfully, for the Christ-centered leader or entrepreneur these two things are actually one and the same – because it’s through prayer where we have access to EVERYTHING we need:

  • God’s presence: His love and His Spirit abiding in us and with us
  • God’s purposes: His vision, His plans, His wisdom, His knowledge
  • God’s power: limitless, unstoppable, and available to you and me


This eight-week group equips leaders & business owners to flourish by prayerfully aligning their lives and businesses with God. 

Led by a trained and licensed facilitator, your group will use the book, The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur: 31 Days to Building your Business with Less Stress and More Joy as a guide, but the group is more than just a book study or prayer group.

Prayer and so much more…

Learn how to:

  • Embrace God’s role as your CEO and integrate Him into everything you do 
  • Gain clarity and confidence in powerfully partnering with God
  • Practice moving from “Tension to Trust” during times of waiting
  • Experience joy even before you see God’s answers to prayer
  • Celebrate God’s presence, power, and answered prayers






How does the Mastermind Group work?

In this highly personalized mastermind group, you’ll gather on Zoom (or in person) once a week with your Prayer Powered Facilitator and 7-8 other Christ-centered leaders and entrepreneurs.

Together you’ll tap into God’s vision for each of these 5 key areas of your business:

  • You, the entrepreneur
  • Your relationship with God
  • Your relationship with others
  • Your relationship with your business
  • The impact your business has in the world

and develop an enjoyable and effective prayer practice that fits into the flow of your life and business..



How does the Mastermind Group work?

In this highly personalized mastermind group, you’ll gather on Zoom (or in person) once a week with your Prayer Powered Facilitator and 7-8 other Christ-centered leaders and entrepreneurs.

Together you’ll tap into God’s vision for each of these 5 key areas of your business:

  • You, the entrepreneur
  • Your relationship with God
  • Your relationship with others
  • Your relationship with your business
  • The impact your business has in the world

and develop an enjoyable and effective prayer practice that fits into the flow of your life and business..




“God hasn’t asked me to stop doing business to pray
but to do all of business through prayer.”
Kim Avery

“God hasn’t asked me to stop doing business to pray
but to do all of business through prayer.”
Kim Avery

What happens in a Mastermind Group?

With your trained facilitator, you’ll:

  • learn the importance of building your business, ministry, or team from the inside-out
  • engage in visioning exercises to discern what God most wants you to pray for
  • pray together with your group and watch expectantly for what God does
  • be encouraged as you see God working not only in your own life and business but also in the lives of others.

In-between meetings, you’ll continue the growth and learning with:

  • Access to the daily bite-sized prayer videos, promises, and prayer prompts
  • Beautifully designed downloadable prayer cards to keep in front of you throughout each day
  • Ongoing community prayer and support in your own private Facebook Group

About Prayer Powered Mastermind Groups

When Is It and What Does It Cost?

Group length, times, and price will be determined by your Mastermind Group Facilitator.
Click the button below to see what groups are available.


“The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur is the perfect companion for any Christian entrepreneur. Kim uses powerful stories and practical prayer points to help us partner with God and receive the benefit of everything he promised us in the Bible. Kim shares real-life examples of people just like you and me that testify to the power prayer can have in our business using Kim’s guidance.”

-Jeff Spadafora

Director, Halftime Institute’s Global 
Coaching Services and Product Development

“No matter how big our platform or reach, if we choose to go it alone, we’re only one moment away from ruin. Wise entrepreneurs tap into prayer, the unseen power source. In The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur, author Kim Avery provides a daily roadmap that helps us arrive at our intended destination with soft hearts and strong minds. Her book equips you to create a true partnership with God in your business as you serve the world, ignite souls, and provide value in the marketplace.”

-Kary Oberbrunner

Author, Day Job to Dream Job

“There are “no atheists on the battlefield,” and there are surely no entrepreneurs who don’t hit their knees in prayer over the battles of business. However, serious Christians don’t just settle for desperate pleas in the face of the marketplace; we know prayer should form the foundation of everything we do. In these pages, Kim Avery provides a simple, clear, and powerful model for making prayer a daily habit, enabling you to partner with God and access his power as you steward his business. When prayer becomes the center of everything, everything changes: you, your business, and the impact of your business in the world.”

-Christopher McCluskey

President, Professional Christian
Coaching Institute ProfessionalChristianCoaching.com

“In this complex, rapidly changing business environment, nothing is easier (and easier to overlook) than the importance of accessing God’s power and wisdom. That’s why I’m so thankful for The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur. This simple 31-day prayer adventure with him will change the way you do business. You will feel like you and Kim are sharing a cup of coffee as you read it. It is a powerful book from her heart to yours. Pick up your copy today.”

-Charles Stone, M.Div, DMin

Author, Brain Savvy Leaders and 
Holy Noticing

“Engaging, practical, simple, and transformational, The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur is the one foundational business-building book that every Christian entrepreneur needs.”

-Georgia Shaffer

Author, Taking Out Your Emotional Trash

“Prayer changes things, and prayer changes us. This learning resource will be a game changer for you as a Christian leader. You’ll find practical ways to incorporate your faith in your business, and you’ll discover that partnering with God can have strong results in your personal and business life.”

-Greg Leith

CEO of Convene

“In the first half if my life, I had a slow fade away from a deep relationship with Father God. I had been flying solo and only lifted up prayers when I needed help. The Mach 5 pace of an entrepreneur was my excuse. God brought me back into relationship with him in a powerful way, and now all I do is in partnership with him. The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur is the reminder we all need that in business the most powerful asset is prayer. Thank you so much, Kim, for writing this and sharing the importance of prayer and how to pray. The impact we can have right now on God’s Kingdom and the results we can achieve in prayer and partnership with the Father are epic!”

-John Ramstead

CEO of Beyond Influence

“The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur is a practical and powerful resource for any business owner who desires to do business led and empowered by God. Kim’s encouraging insights and daily prayer prompts will help you to truly make God the ultimate CEO of your business and experience his best!”


Author, Grace Over Grind

“The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur is a gold mine of inspiration, encouragement, and next steps toward a deeper relationship with God. You’ll appreciate Kim’s authenticity, marvel at her vulnerability, and benefit from her uniquely powerful perspectives about life, business, and spirituality. I highly recommend this book to you.”

-Marnie Swedberg

International leadership mentor &
conference speaker

“This book is the perfect resource for tapping into the guidance and wisdom of God when running a business.

I learned I often play it safe in business. The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur taught me that when we step out of our comfort zone and follow God into the sometimes-scary unknown, our business results and impact will always be better.

I am convinced that with God’s leading, my business and I will only grow as long as I put my total faith in him and take that leap of courage.

-Csilla Muscan

Host, Grace Filled Leadership Podcast

“Arguably one of the greatest threats to the Christian business leader is self-sufficiency, the antithesis of abiding in Christ. One of the best tests to assess if this is true is asking “am I too busy for quality time alone with God each day?” The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur enables us to harness our time in such a way that even the busiest of us can employ and benefit from its approach, and in doing so keep prayer at the center of our lives.”

-Guy Rodgers

President & CEO of Pinnacle Forum

“By modeling the behavior of those you are about to see in these pages and entering into God’s grand plan, you too can put yourself firmly on the path from which there’s no turning back, and you will experience “Less Stress and More Joy,” and build a business that matters.”

-Dan Miller

Author, 48 Days to the Work You Love

“Starting and developing a business can be exhilarating at first and exhausting soon after, especially when the newness wears off. Kim Avery gives everyone who is called into such an entrepreneurial challenge a wealth of wisdom and an easy-to-implement practical tool to keep one going. Don’t miss out on The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur! One does not have to face this challenge alone.”


Director of A Praying Life Seminars from seeJesus Ministries, seeJesus.net

“While some entrepreneurs are content to “sweep God under the rug” or “water down their faith,” this is a book for those who are determined to do the opposite. When I first started my business, I knew I wanted to dedicate it back to God. He’s been just that good. Nothing is more important than putting God first in our businesses and lives yet in the busyness of business, it’s all too easy to forget the fundamentals of prayer, quietness, mediation in the Word of God and sincere worship. The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur will equip you to live out the reality that God is truly the CEO of your business. The more successful we become, the more we ought to remember and reverence where our help truly comes from.”

-Jevonnah Ellison

Author, You Have What It Takes

“I made the decision to make God the CEO and partner of my business. Spending productive time with him is important if we are going to run our businesses his way. Furthermore, spending productive time with him to discuss our clients is equally as important. Making our time productive is easier said than done. In The Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur, Kim breaks this somewhat mysterious process into simple, enjoyable steps that truly change everything.”

-Steve Cook

Author, Lifeonaire: