Additional CERTIFIED MASTERMIND Facilitators

Dr. Richelle Hoekstra-Anderson
As an early business owner Dr. Richelle thought the key to success was all hustle, grind and no fun. But when she surrendered her business to the grace of Jesus through prayer-powered principles, the outcome has been an abundant life of purpose, peace and profit.
As a life and business coach with over 30 years as a clinical psychologist, it is her passion to help overwhelmed, stressed out Christian entrepreneurs and professionals discover the tools for restoring healthy balance and embrace an abundant life.
Website: www.drrichelle.com
Email: connect@drrichelle.com

Dale Young
Dale Young is an Identity and Teamwork Coach, author, speaker, and Prayer-Powered Mastermind Facilitator. Dale is certified with the International Coach Federation and Christian Coaches Network International.
Dale is a WeAlign Executive Coach, specializing in the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment to help you see your genuine identity, as well as various Emotional Intelligence (EQ) trainings to help connect you relationally with God, yourself, and others.
Dale is a two-time bestselling co-author for Next Level Your Life (January 2023) and The Transformational Journey (October 2023). He is also author of The Identity Key (2020), which compares and contrasts multiple assessments that can help you find your true Identity.
Website: CoachDale.com
Email: Dale@coachdale.com
For More Info on Upcoming Group: Click Here

Carol N. Watson, RN, ND, Body Confidence Coach
Dr. Carol is an RN, a Doctor of Naturopathy, and a Health/Body Confidence Coach residing in Texas. She became a PPM Facilitator because she felt like something was missing from her business; that “something” turned out to be more of God! As a Christian Entrepreneur for the last 3 decades, she thought God was her CEO, but she realized that she was not inviting Him into her day-to-day decisions and was trying to carry the load herself. As a result of PPM, she now experiences so much more joy and peace that she just wants to “pay it forward” to anyone open and humble enough to surrender to God.
She oversees women’s groups at her church, serves on the prayer team, facilitates masterminds, and coaches women in life, health, and business to experience God in abundance! Dr. Carol is known for her authentic, fun, and creative ways of leading that provides a safe and supportive space for her participants! Her promise is that you will feel hugged, hopeful, and heightened to prayerfully step more fully into ALL God has for you as a woman in business!
Website: www.TCDrCarol.com
Email: carol@drcarolwatson.com

Samantha Orchardson
My name is Samantha Orchardson, a trained and licensed facilitator of the Prayer Powered Entrepreneur Program.When I was in the very early stages of building my business as a professional coach, I was also searching for how to integrate my business and my faith.
And then I met Kim Avery. My life as an entrepreneur has never been the same again.
There is a difference with God as the CEO of my business – walking with clarity and confidence. I would love to help you on your journey of building your business or ministry with more joy and less stress.
Email: Samantha@pursuitbydesign.com

Katina Wilkins
Katina’s calling is to help people live more productive, God-centered lives as a result of putting God first and seeking Him in all they do.
In her Christian life coaching practice, Morning by Morning, she helps women break down barriers and mindset obstacles to reach their God-given potential and personal goals. Between her coaching certification and her Master’s Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, facilitating Prayer Powered Masterminds fits perfectly into all she offers to empower women to tune into the Holy Spirit to gain confidence and direction in their businesses and their lives.
She looks forward to working with you!
Email: mbmlifecoach@gmail.com
Website: mbmlifecoaching.com

Chuck Keller
As a Clarity & Confidence Coach, Chuck has a passion for helping faith-filled dreamers struggling with doubt & insecurity gain the clarity, confidence, and focus they need to live with purpose, on purpose, for God’s purpose.
Chuck is excited to facilitate The Prayer Powered Mastermind and helping others connect to the power of prayer in their lives and businesses.
Chuck lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with his wife Kristen. Together they have a passion for exploring the outdoors, finding adventures and serving in various leadership roles within their church.
Website: inspirededgecoaching.com
Email: chuck@inspirededgecoaching.com

Barbara Hollace
What do you get when you mix together an author, editor, writing coach, speaker, and prayer warrior? Barbara Hollace.
Her passion for words, and those who write them, combined with her love for God are a dynamic mix as she leads other writers as a Prayer-Powered Mastermind Facilitator.
Barbara is the author, or contributing author, of over 25 books, with others in progress. However, her greatest joy is teaching generations how to use prayer to elevate their impact on the world.
She has seen God do the impossible in her life and joyfully Barbara shares this priceless wisdom.
Email: barbara@barbarahollace.com
Website: www.barbarahollace.com

Gayle Chaky
Website: www.gaylechaky.com
Email: gayle@gaylechaky.com
For more information: www.gaylechaky.com/mastermind

Glen Nash
After 38 years of pastoral ministry, Glen Nash became a Certified Leadership Coach and a Certified Life Coach in 2019. Helping people with personal skills, authentic communications, and life transitions, he enjoys helping adults discover fulfilling opportunities.
Married over 40 years, Glen and Kathy have one married son, and three grandkids: boy/girl twins born on Glen’s birthday and a “Leap Day” grandson born in 2020.
He is the Dept. Chaplain for the Blue Springs (MO) Police Dept, plus an Emergency Service Chaplain, a member of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and a member of the Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association.
Website: GlenNashCoaching.com
Email: gdnash@gmail.com

Sharon Brani
Sharon is a Board Certified Advanced Life Coach, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a published freelance writer and a Certified Prayer- Powered Mastermind Facilitator. She works with women in transitions helping them go from stressed to strong as she builds within them skills that will help them maintain peace in the midst of chaos. She helps both individuals and groups inspiring them to tap into God’s vision for not only their business but also their life.
Sharon is the author of “The Power To Keep Going” and “Finding Peace in the Chaos”. Both are available on Amazon.
Finding Peace In The Chaos and The Power to Keep Going.
She lives in Culpeper, Virginia and has two daughters.
Website: www.sharonbranicoaching.com
Email: sharonbranicoaching@yahoo.com

Jen Rogers
You know when couples get married and create an instant family with stepkiddos? Often their starry-eyed love affair gets sucked into a black hole of chaos and confusion as couples struggle to understand stepfamily dynamics. Many experience (re)divorce. My passion is sharing Scriptural principles with these couples so they can Blend Beautifully, TogetherTM.
Since developing her stepfamily niche, Jen Rogers now embraces and partners with Christian coaches and entrepreneurs as they turn former pain points and gifting into fruitful businesses that serve their unique clients, apply Scriptural Principles into everyday business adventures, and have creative fun along the way!
Website: CoachJenRogers.com
Email: jen@coachjenrogers.com
For More Information: Click Here

Kristen Montigny
Kristen is an ICF Professional Certified coach who loves partnering with Christians in leadership who want to prayerfully and effectively invest their time, energy and talent in what’s important and take better care of themselves in the mix.
Her approach to personal development has been deeply informed by 20+ years professional experience in adult learning, evidence based coaching practices and her own discipleship journey.
Previously, Kristen was co-leader of a Mom’s in Prayer Group, an experience she found instrumental in forging a richer, comprehensive prayer life, one of the reasons she’s delighted to share the Prayer Powered Mastermind experience with you!

Lauren Towner
Lauren is a Certified Brain Health Coach. Her passion is to help individuals identify what is keeping them from flourishing in life. She combines her Celebrate Recovery 12 Step experience with an integrative approach to brain health.
Lauren is the founder and president of Rising Hearts Ranch, a ministry that began after she rescued an abused horse.
Lauren lives in Woodstock, GA. a suburb of Atlanta with her husband, Tim.
Email: lauren@risingheartsranch.org
Next Group TBD

Vona Johnson
Vona Johnson helps Christians reconnect with Scripture so they can live their Faith in all aspects of their lives. She helps listeners of her podcast, Longing for More, and her coaching and mastermind clients find peace and fulfillment through her calm manner and insightful perspective. Her role as a Certified Prayer-Powered Mastermind Facilitator fits perfectly with her coaching practice and her upcoming book, A Different View: Start Living the Life Your Soul Longs For.
She retired from a 30 year career in housing finance nearly five years ago. She lives in Pierre, SD, where she is honored to serve her community as a City Commissioner.
Website: www.vonajohnson.com
Email: vona@vonajohnson.com
For More Information: Click Here

Ladda Hawkins
Ladda Love Hawkins is a full-time trucking business consultant and minister under Soul Winners International Ministries. She recently completed a Chaplaincy program with the International Fellowship of Chaplains.
Ladda enjoys empowering women in non-traditional spaces to make an impact. She frequently speaks to women in the transportation/logistics field on social media.
You can follow her at linktr.ee/laddalove.
Email: ladda1love@gmail.com
For More Information: Click Here

Maureen A. Stone, Ed. D., PCC
As a PCC coach through ICF, Maureen cherishes coaching individuals and teams. She is excited to be a certified Prayer Powered Master’s Mind Facilitator, believing that specific daily prayer is an absolute game changer! Maureen has been coaching since 2014, in both life and leadership coaching
In addition to coaching, Maureen is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and provides MI training. She also is a certified Restorative Practices Trainer. Previously, she was a school administrator and counselor and now also enjoys providing professional development in schools.
Email: info@coachingpinnacle.com
For More Information: Click Here

Jim Stone, D. Min.
Jim is a Life and Leadership Coach with a passion for working with people who are pursuing God and his will in their lives, work and relationships. He has served as pastor in a broad range of settings. He was Director of Mental Health for the Syracuse Rescue Mission, and is currently serving as a chaplain in a psychiatric center.
As a Prayer-Powered Mastermind Facilitator Jim’s vision is to guide marketplace and ministry leaders into the joy and kingdom impact of relying on God’s presence, power and direction through prayer and deeper relationship with Christ.
Website: MyLifeVineCoach.com
Email: MyLifeVineCoach@gmail.com
For More Information: Click Here

Pamela Jackson
Pam is a “whole-person” coach for growth-minded entrepreneurs and professionals. With a background in marketing and strategic planning, along with certifications in life coaching & business coaching, Pam helps entrepreneurial leaders grow thriving enterprises that align with God’s heart and purpose for them.
Pam enjoys tiny-home living in semi-rural Monroe, WA. She is a proud mother of Isabel, who is a sophomore at Seattle Pacific University.
-Pam Jackson | Steward, Encounter Purpose Coaching
Email: coachpjackson@gmail.com

Susan Fulton
Susan Fulton is a Certified Professional Life Coach who helps women persevere and grow through life changes to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. In addition, Susan has served in Women’s Ministries at her church for many years. She also works at NEU, (New England Urban), Church Planting where she serves as Co-Director of Coaching and Care. Susan and her husband Rich have been married for 38 years and have 3 adult children, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and 3 grandchildren who they love spending time with.
Contact Susan: susanfulton@neuchurchplanting.org

Denis Keith
We provide “SoulCarePlus” for middle to small size church pastors and Entrepreneurs by unleashing their uniqueness for the betterment of the world and to impact eternity.
Website: www.keithcoaching.com
Email: denis@keithcoaching.com

Michelle Mullins
Michelle is a Coach, Online Trainer and Mentor for Remote Professionals around the World. She is an ICF Associate Certified Coach, DISC consultant, and Co-Host of the Remote Pathways Podcast with Jennifer Britton.
She loves partnering with business women, ministry leaders, virtual team leaders and work-at-home moms from around the globe. She is passionate about helping women to simplify their lives, strengthen their families, and say YES to the work that they LOVE!
Having over 20 years of experience working remotely, Michelle has held various remote roles including Corporate Coach and Trainer, Ministry Leader, Sales Professional, E-Learning Designer, and Voice-Talent.
Website: www.michellemullinscoaching.com
Email: myconnectioncoach@gmail.com
For More Information: Click Here

Wendi Fredregill Owner, Coach
Wendi Fredregill empowers female entrepreneurs and small business owners to ditch the overwhelm, explore what’s been holding them back and break free to become a confident CEO of their business, home and life.
She’s passionate about mindset coaching and helping her clients not only see their full potential but also take the steps needed to reach it, all while having fun along the way. She loves the great outdoors, a strong cup of coffee and all things personal growth.
Her favorite part of what she does is watching women begin to deeply believe in their own worth and blossom because of it.
Email: wendi@empowered-bridge.com

Lisa Adams
Lisa’s coaching is focused on life transitions, leadership development, ministry growth, building healthier relationships. She helps her clients to make the mental transition into a healthier life and mindset with a relationship with Jesus at the center of all she does.
As a Prayer Powered Facilitator Lisa reaches women in struggling marriages or recently divorced, ministry leaders and entrepreneurs.
She lives in Saratoga Springs NY and speaks to organizations about resiliency, leadership, and professionalism.
Website: https://www.lisaadamscoach.com/
Email: Lisa@LisaAdamsCoach.com

Shannon Spencer
Coaching since 2004, Shannon combines her business and ministry leadership experience, behavioral health background, and love for all things entrepreneurial, as she embraces her purpose as a Spirt-led Business Therapist and Freedom Coach in the marketplace.
As a Prayer Powered Facilitator, Shannon loves to work with bold ambitious Christian women who are ready to become the Marvelous Maverick God has created them to be.
She and her husband Gary live in Richland, WA, with their pug Phoebe where she serves as an Elder in her church, is involved in women’s ministry, and is studying to become a Certified Lay Pastor.
Website: https://www.freedomtoflourishcoaching.com/
Email: shannonwspencer@gmail.com

Natalie Lavelock
Natalie Lavelock is an RN, Speaker, Best-selling Author, Trainer, Program Development Specialist and Online Business Strategist.
After 15 years of training professionals in the corporate healthcare industry, Natalie answered the call to become an entrepreneur and discovered how she could turn her expertise into income and how you can too! Along the way, she learned that when you build a better business, you can live a better life.
She now helps faith-based and purpose-driven coaches, speakers and health professionals create highly profitable coaching programs, online courses and advanced training / certification programs that allow them to create a business & life they love!
Website: https://www.natalielavelock.com
Email: Natalie@natalielavelock.com

Pat Simes
Patricia Simes is founder and COO of Innovative Business Solutions. Innovative Business Solutions was created to support, empower and inspire the aspiring or new entrepreneur to achieve their dream and help the seasoned entrepreneur to enlarge their impact.
She holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin, is a Certified Business and Entrepreneurship Coach and a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Certified Service Professional. She believes nothing is impossible for those who have a mind and heart aligned with God.
Website: providing-innovation.com
Email: psimes@providing-innovation.

Rona Walton
With the use of straight to the point and candid stories, Rona L. Walton is empowering mothers to take responsibility for every aspect of their lives, especially raising their children.
Her message “to build up the mother and she will build up her children” has made Walton a sought after motivational speaker worldwide.
Also, she has developed a vast collection of tools triggering exploration of self-creativity while embracing the possibilities of a better and healthier way of life.
Email: lovepraying@rantwithrona.com

Lisa Stroth
Following God’s call, Lisa took a leap of faith in 2016, leaving a career in healthcare to become a fulltime voiceover artist and business owner of Vocally Yours, LLC.
She is also the Chief Encouragement Officer for The Voice For Purpose, a ministry devoted to encouraging and empowering women of faith to walk in faith and obedience in pursuing their God-given purpose.
Lisa’s approach to her Kingdom-minded business was changed after reading Kim Avery’s “Prayer Powered Entrepreneur,” and in surrendering the CEO role to God, she experienced a freedom and deeper relationship with Jesus than she had ever known.
She was excited to become a Prayer Powered Mastermind Facilitator in order to help other Kingdompreneurs find clarity, freedom, and direction in their businesses.
Email: lisa@thevoiceovercure.
Website: https://thevoiceforpurpose.com/

Jenny Imhoff
Jenny is a professionally trained Life & Business Coach, and president of Grow Forward Life Coaching LLC. She is passionate about helping people to experience more fulfilling relationships through effective communication.
As a certified Prayer Powered Mastermind Facilitator, Jenny works with leaders in ministry and the marketplace to lean into the leadership of God through the power of prayer.
Jenny has over 25 years of experience serving others through her various roles from ministry to manufacturing to sales to surgery, including 5 years in her local church as leader of the Prayer Ministry. She believes that prayer is an effective and powerful strategy for building faith, business, and the kingdom.
Email: info@jennyimhoff.com
Website: www.jennyimhoff.com